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Cancer Summit 2021

Catch up with cancer 

The way Forward

organised by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Radiotherapy, chair of APPG on Health and supported by parliamentary chairs of other APPGs focused on cancer

written Evidence Submissions

The All-Party Parliamentary Group chairs have invited many cancer specialists to submit evidence to the joint APPG chairs consultation - 'Solutions to the COVID induced cancer backlog'

Flash Survey 2021

 Clinical Expert Group

Clinical Oncologist

Chief Medical Office, Rutherford Health

CEO and Chief Medical Officer, Check4Cancer

Therapeutic Radiographer

NHS Cancer Workforce

(AdvaMed) Radiation Therapy Sector

Clinical Lead, James Cook University Hospital

MRI proposal for Prostate Cancer


Secretariat to the APPGRT

0203 051 5671

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139 Abbotsbury Road
W14 8EN

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